How much storage should I bring?

Enough (fast) memory cards is always important. But it can also be nice to take a laptop with you, possibly with an external hard drive so that you can make a backup immediately. Moreover, you can also view your photos on the laptop and perhaps edit something already....

What kind of photography equipment do you recommend?

In any case, it is nice to take a good zoom lens with you, think of at least 200 mm. But for landscape photos, a wide angle is not an unnecessary luxury. You can possibly work with a (rented) extender. You will probably hardly use a macro lens, unless in and around...

What is the language mostly used?

In all countries the local guidance is English-speaking. In principle, this is also the case with my guidance, unless a group or car consists of only Dutch people, in which case I switch to Dutch. The groups are sometimes only Dutch/Flemish, but sometimes also more...

And what about insurance?

You must take out your own travel and cancellation insurance. And also check whether you need to arrange anything extra for medical expenses. I myself also have separate equipment insurance that provides worldwide coverage, but that is not always necessary.