about me


Hi, I’m Simone and I’m a 52 year old photographer from the Netherlands, who loves wildlife.

I lived and worked in Africa for three years as a tour guide for camping trips. I followed my dream and traveled through Southern and East Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Kenya). During that period I learned a lot about Africa. I also trained as a field guide, in which I learned everything about trees, plants, birds, insects, tracks and so on!

Even though I have been living in the Netherlands for some time now, part of me has stayed behind in Africa. In the meantime I have further developed myself into a professional photographer and I go back to Africa as often as I can.

It’s true what they say: once you catch the African Fever, you will always return…. Will you join me on a photo tour?


Simone Wildlife Photography

(Photo by Evert Doorn)